I am so thankful for the life I have! honestly I wouldn't want it any other way
I am thankful for a loving family
I am thankful for these two dorks who have become my best friends
I am so so so very thankful for this smile....
I am also thankful for old movies :) and thankful that big poppa has been letting me watch them.
We just watched Paris When It Sizzles this morning
if you don't already know this about me you will now
basically..... Audrey Kathleen Hepburn owns my soul.
The way she looked, the way she talked, the things she did- it's all amazing.
If there is one person I could aspire to be like it would be her.
Classic, Beautiful, Passionate, Giving
Now if you don't mind I am going to go curl up with my man and watch Bing and Fred in Holiday Inn
For me, the only things of interest are those linked to the heart -A. Hepburn
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